
Ultrasounds early in a pregnancy are important for many reasons. Some women are just unsure of how far along they are, while others find that they have a pregnancy outside of the uterus and need prompt medical intervention. We offer completely free, 1st trimester limited obstetric ultrasounds to confirm that your pregnancy is developing within your uterus, detect fetal heart movement, and to estimate gestational age. Our knowledgeable and caring medical team is also available to answer all your questions. 

If desired, all images are made available to you by print or to download.

Services are free, private, confidential, and available to all. There are no income limits, or other restrictions to receive our services. Call 218-844-8822 or click here to request an appointment. 

*All medical services are overseen and under the licensure of our Medical Director, who is an OB/GYN*