Parenting Classes
Pregnancy & Parenting Education
We have over 200 lessons covering all areas of child birth preparation, breastfeeding, infant care, calming a crying baby, emotional and physical development, milestones, nutrition, sleep and potty training, behavior modification, parenting styles, co-parenting, fatherhood and life-skills. All education classes attended earn points to be spent in our onsite store (see below). The nurse or educator you meet with will also help you navigate any additional resources available to you and can assist in referrals or applications.
Parents Forever
Parents Forever is curriculum written to meet the requirements of the Parent Education Minimum Standards per Minn. Stat. § 518.157 for when parents are divorcing or negotiating custody. This eight hour class is held in two back to back evening sessions once monthly, or in multiple one to one sessions during our normal hours. Parents in the process of a divorce, or negotiating custody, may be court ordered to complete parenting education. We are a certified facilitator of the Parents Forever program created by the University of Minnesota Extension office. We offer this class at no cost to you, but the purchase of a workbook is required. Please call 218-844-8822 to register or for more information.
Get the Items You Need
All clients receiving education are able to earn points with each lesson completed to be spent in our fully stocked onsite baby boutique! We have diapers, wipes, formula, clothing, toys, household items, gift cards and much more! Take a tour of the boutique here. We can provide a FREE pack and play if you need a safe place for baby to sleep. If you have an emergency need, we can help you even if you elect to not enroll in any education! Contact us today!
We also have weekly specials of free items available when you come in!